
Writing Effective Investigation Reports

Writing Effective Investigation Reports

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The ability to write clear, concise, accurate and informative investigation reports is a valuable skill for investigators of all kinds. A well-written investigation report provides a complete picture of the incident or event and leaves no questions unanswered about who did what, when and how and is written in language that can be understood by anyone reading it.

Unfortunately, many investigators see writing effective investigation reports as a chore, and that’s why so many reports are rushed, poorly written and incomplete.

Watch Angela Reddock-Wright employment attorney, workplace investigator, mediator and arbitrator, as she outlines the elements of effective investigation report writing.

  • What information should and should not be included in an investigation report
  • Formats to use for investigation reports
  • Language to use in an investigation report
  • Why attention to detail is so important
  • Tying together the facts and evidence in your final investigation report
  • The importance of proofreading
  • The role of opinion in an investigation report

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