Register for our webinar with Meric Bloch to learn how to effectively and fairly interview the implicated employee during a workplace investigation.


Interview Techniques and False Confessions

Interview Techniques and False Confessions


The publicity generated by the Making a Murderer series has generated a renewed condemnation for interrogation techniques that are unethical, use bullying tactics and tend to elicit false confessions. Today’s investigators must be aware of the dangers of using aggressive interrogation tactics that intimidate witnesses and compromise the quality of the information they glean from interview subjects.

Watch John Hoda, police-trained expert interviewer and PEACE trainer, as he presents best practices for conducting investigation interviews that are conversational, non-intimidating and geared toward gathering accurate information that can stand up in court.

Webinar attendees will learn:
  • How rapport can be used to get the conversation going
  • How using intimidation can derail your investigation interview
  • Why you shouldn’t deceive, pressure or lead your interview subject
  • What information to share and what to withhold
  • Techniques for interviewing vulnerable people (including suspects)
  • How to apply elements of the PEACE method to get results that hold up in court

Watch the Webinar