How to Encourage Internal Compliance Communication Thank You

Statistics show that internal employee reporting is the single most important element of detecting and preventing fraud. The ACFE’s 2014 Global Fraud Study revealed that employees accounted for nearly half of all tips that led to the discovery of fraud.

But internal whistleblowers are also responsible for reports of other types of workplace misconduct that, unreported, could cost companies millions in litigation.

Lisa Noller, litigation partner with Foley and Lardner LLP, and Michael Weisman, Chief Counsel, Compliance at Kraft Foods Group, discuss how to get employees to speak up about workplace misconduct.

  • Encouraging a culture of compliance
  • Implementing and following a non-retaliation policy
  • Communicating with potential whistleblowers
  • Determining when and how to ensure confidentiality
Webinar Presenter

Lisa Noller
Michael Weisman