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Ethical Investigation Interviews: The PEACE Model

Ethical Investigation Interviews: The PEACE Model

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The aggressive, intimidating interrogation tactics you see on television don’t always work. Not only can they discourage the interviewee from giving you the information you need, but also they have been shown, on occasion, to elicit false confessions. A more conversational interviewing style, based on science, which builds trust and rapport, is the way forward, say some psychologists. This philosophy is encapsulated in the PEACE Model of investigative interviewing, developed in the early 90s and used by law enforcement in the UK, Canada, Australia since then.

Watch John Hoda, police-trained expert interviewer and PEACE trainer, as he provides an overview of the PEACE model of investigative interviewing.

During the webinar, Hoda will outline the five steps of the PEACE Model:
  • Planning and preparation
  • Engage and explain
  • Account, clarification and challenge
  • Closure
  • Evaluate

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