Student Complaint Software for a More Inclusive Campus
Student Complaint Software for a More Inclusive Campus
It makes sense to have those experiencing discrimination on campus involved in the process.
Most campuses offer the same few initiatives in an effort to be inclusive. They provide programs, clubs, associations or regular events for minority groups. They ask those in leadership positions to attend diversity training. They create an advisory group to “oversee inclusion efforts”.
One in three LGBTQ+ students has “seriously considered” leaving college due to issues surrounding their sexual orientation, including harassment. Statistics like these make it clear that the average inclusion and diversity program is not working, and that discrimination is still a problem.
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What is Student Complaint Software?
Implementing diversity training and an international student program is a great start, but campuses of all sizes need student complaint software. This tool makes it easy to receive, track, manage and respond to complaints, meet investigation deadlines, resolve incidents and follow up with victims.
Comprehensive student complaint software can also reveal high-risk areas, dates or times, employees, students and behaviors, and uncover the weak spots in a campus’s diversity efforts.
There are many benefits that come from implementing software campus-wide. We explain them here: 5 Benefits of a Campus-Wide Case Management Software
Intake Forms for Better Collaboration
The American Council on Education released findings from a study on racial campus climate. More than half of presidents at four-year institutions say students have organized around concerns about racial diversity. At two-year institutions, 87 per cent of presidents said the same. These findings prove that students will go to great lengths to increase diversity on campus.
It makes sense to have those experiencing discrimination on campus involved in the process of improving diversity. When there’s a method for victims to speak, they’ll reveal the troubles they face on campus, from microaggressions to outright hateful comments.
It’s important to give those who directly experience discrimination a tool to tell the story and many insights can be gained from listening to those from underrepresented groups.
It’s the school’s responsibility to provide reporting tools such as student complaint software so victims or witnesses can speak up, report incidents, file complaints or otherwise demand action.
Incident Tracking for Better Management
The US Department of Education reports that the number of reported campus hate crimes increased by 25 percent from 2015 to 2016. High-profile media reports show that students of color do not receive the same level of respect as their counterparts.
Some might say that incidents like these are more common because schools aren’t responding to incidents in a timely or appropriate manner. Schools that use student complaint software can respond to complaints quickly, easily and with better oversight of the problems faced on campus.
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Student complaint software compiles all incident data and makes it easy to sort by type, location or even keywords. This information makes it easier to manage incidents, helping school leaders determine whether inclusion programs are working. Providing comprehensive tools also send a clear message that campus officials are available and ready to help.
Trend Oversight for Better Prevention
Campuses are complex. There are students and employees transitioning from part-time to full-time and back again. Campuses are sometimes scattered in cities across the US or even the globe. So, it’s no wonder higher ed institutions have a long-standing history of operating in silos.
Student complaint software not only makes it easy to manage incidents, but it also breaks down barriers that stand in the way of collaboration. The data from student complaint software is necessary to create a transparent process where the entire campus is engaged in improving diversity and inclusion.
Then, campus officials can use this data to make better choices and help other schools make better choices too. When students file complaints and report incidents, the data shows where changes need to be made to establish inclusive working and learning environments. The data shows high-risk areas where more money should be spent and attention paid.