#Cheat Sheet

Investigative Resources Pack [Free Downloads for Workplace Investigators]

Unlock the tools you need to optimize your workplace investigations with our collection of essential investigative resources. This all-in-one toolkit is designed to help investigators streamline their processes, improve efficiency, and benchmark their efforts against industry standards.

What’s included?

  • Investigation Plan Template: A template to help your team organize your investigation, ensuring you cover all critical steps and follow a consistent process.
  • Investigation Report Template: A template to help you create a thorough, easy-to-read document containing your process, findings, and suggestions.
  • Workplace Investigations Maturity Model: Assess the current state of your investigative processes and identify opportunities for growth and improvement with this tool.
  • Investigation Management: 10 Steps to Success eBook: Gain insights into best practices and strategies for managing investigations efficiently in this eBook.
  • Investigative Case Management Benchmarking Report: Compare your organization’s investigations program and results against industry trends to monitor and improve your organization’s performance.

These resources are invaluable for workplace investigators, HR professionals, compliance officers, and fraud investigators. Whether you’re a seasoned investigator or just starting out, these tools will help you ensure you handle each case thoroughly, consistently, and professionally.

Don’t let gaps in your process lead to unresolved issues or risk exposure. Download our investigative resources download pack now to enhance your investigation skills and drive better organizational outcomes.


Important: This resource is for informational and educational purposes only. This post should not be taken as legal advice or used as a substitute for such. You should always speak to your own lawyer.

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