
How to Make the Best of Your Company’s New Normal

How to Make the Best of Your Company's New Normal

By Timothy Dimoff

10 questions to ask yourself to facilitate learning and adaptation.

We are all navigating in a new and unknown world right now. We are facing divisive political rhetoric, a struggling society and workforce, social injustice issues and much more. It’s challenging and can be overwhelming. However, work must continue and while it may be different than before due to working from home, Covid restrictions, social distancing rules and more, there are ways to navigate and even learn from the situation we are currently facing.

Begin by asking the following questions about your company:

  • What did we do differently during this crisis? What was the result?
  • What did we put in place before the crisis that helped us during it?
  • What do we wish we had done before the crisis?
  • If we could do it all over again, what would we do differently?
  • What new practices do we want to maintain?
  • How can they be applied elsewhere?

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As you continue working you may find that asking yourself these additional questions will help you to personally navigate this new normal:

"What do I know?"

You know a lot. The knowledge and insight you have garnered from your work experience as well as your investigations are invaluable. Take time to reflect on what you know and trust your instincts. Write down your knowledge.

"What don’t I know?"

While you know a lot, there is likely more you can learn. Try to come up with a specific list of questions, that when answered, will provide you with the additional knowledge you need to make any decisions.

'Who else needs to be involved?"

Never forget that you don’t know what you don’t know. Take this opportunity to learn. Trust that other people can help you by providing information, support, experience, knowledge and more. We don’t exist in a vacuum.  Get help if you need it. Find a sounding board.

"What are my new best practices?"

New behaviors and practices may have helped you grow a new and more effective work product and once you identify these, do everything possible to make them the gold standard for how you operate.

It’s easy to fall into patterns and to be reactive, especially in times of stress and change, but by taking the time to be curious, asking the right questions, and then carefully listening to the answers, you will gain clarity about your strengths and weaknesses.