Ethics in the Workplace: 5 Steps To Create a Culture of Ethics, Compliance, and Accountability ThankYou

Webinar Presenter

Christopher Bauer
Christopher Bauer

Ethics Expert

Christopher Bauer is a clinical psychologist by training with over twenty-five years of experience as a speaker, trainer, author, and consultant on professional ethics and values-driven business strategies. He has worked with front-line workers to senior executives and everyone in-between.

Dr Bauer’s articles on how to build and maintain great professional ethics have appeared in CEO Refresher, CFO Magazine, Financial Executive, Internal Auditor, and many other publications. The latest edition of his book, "Better Ethics NOW: How To Avoid The Ethics Disaster You Never Saw Coming” has been a business ethics Top Seller on and he publishes a free “Weekly Ethics Thought” seen by thousands of readers worldwide. Dr. Bauer has been recognized with the both Certified Fraud Specialist designation by the Association of Certified Fraud Specialists and the Certified Speaking Professional designation by the National Speakers Association.