How to Improve Your Deception Detection Skills

How to Improve Your Deception Detection Skills
Chapter 8: How to Detect Deception in Investigation Interviews
Chapter 1: History of Detecting Deception
Chapter 2: Reading the Signs of Deception
Chapter 5: Language Indicators of Deception
Chapter 6: The Role of Anxiety in Deception
Chapter 8: How to Improve Your Deception Detection Skills
Practical exercises are helpful in aiding investigators in developing their interviewing skills. It’s hard to duplicate an interview, as someone playing a role has nothing to lose. Adding a stressor to the practice interview can help.
Get local theatre groups involved, as this gives investigators an opportunity to interview someone they don’t know. Videotape the practice sessions and play them back for the investigator to learn from.
Watch people. Go to a shopping mall or public park and observe how they interact, their physical movements and how they behave in different situations. Become a student of human behavior so that you have a wide variety of examples to use as reference.
Read as much as you can on the subject, keeping an open mind and understanding that there is no surefire way to detect deception. Practice and experience are the keys to becoming a better detector of deception.