
Are You Ready to Meet the Needs of Today’s Emerging Workforce?

Are You Ready to Meet the Needs of Today’s Emerging Workforce?

Be ready for the human resources challenges coming

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There is a new worker emerging in American business causing the traditional rules to change. The downsizing of the ‘80s and ‘90s has created a shift in the way people view their work life and manage their careers. Unlike the traditional workers of the past, they aren’t looking for 30 years of job security. They are taking their careers into their own hands and focusing on opportunities for growth and development to ensure their career security, instead of depending on a company to provide it.

Why is this relevant to you as a business owner? If you want to succeed in today’s marketplace, you need to forget the old, traditional concepts. The new “emerging” worker has redefined traditional work concepts including loyalty, job satisfaction, and career advancement. And this new worker is not limited to young people. It applies to all age groups, industries, and across geographical lines. The emerging workforce is driven by its own values.

Who They Are

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How do you define this new worker? They are techno-savvy, voracious consumers of information, adept at global/diversity issues, team oriented, and multi-taskers. They will not join your company unless there is clear career development for them. They see themselves as free agents and job security is not a driver of commitment, so they define loyalty as accomplishment, and view work as a growth opportunity.

What They Want

Changing jobs becomes a part of growth for them which can create human resource issues for a traditional company. They want to work in an environment where they can learn from talented management. Equally important is good chemistry with their bosses and a merit pay system instead of a salary. Future opportunities are also important to them. Dress codes and time restrictions are not relevant, and many will show up to work late, in flip-flops, shorts, etc. and they may also spend too much time on their smartphones.

What to Do

Traditional management must learn to work and manage differently. Hiring and firing these workers is expensive, so management must be role models if they want to keep them engaged.

Emergent workers view job change as positive for their careers. They want to keep growing and developing, taking on new assignments, additional responsibilities, and acquiring new skills. If your company is not willing to give them room to grow, they will find it elsewhere. And you, as a business owner, will spend countless dollars on hiring and retraining new employees if you don’t adapt.