ABM An Investigator’s Guide to Blockchain, Bitcoin and Wallet Transactions

An Investigator’s Guide to Blockchain, Bitcoin and Wallet Transactions
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As Bitcoin and blockchains are coming into the mainstream, investigators, auditors and forensics and security professionals need to become familiar with how blockchain works and why it is so important to tomorrow's digital security. It is important for anyone involved in forensics to understand the risk associated with Bitcoin, the most notable usage of blockchain and how applying forensics to those risks can have an impact.
Bitcoin has huge potential to revolutionize financial services, but with risk, as is implicit with any currency. We need to understand how forensic technology can reduce these risks or solve problems of financial loss should these risks materialize. Technology helps us follow flows of cryptocurrencies through wallets and the blockchain. This can be of particular use to regulators and police forces as well as investigators and auditors.
On October 31st at 2pm EST, join Simon Padgett and Sheldon Bennett of DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc. as they outline the basics of cryptocurrency transactions and their associated risks and solutions.
Webinar participants will learn:
- The basics of how blockchain works
- The role blockchain plays in digital security
- How Bitcoin works
- How to use Bitcoin wallets to track coin movements and trace transactions