
5 Best Practices for Selecting Compliance Software

Compliance software has become an increasingly popular tool for companies seeking to proactively root out non-compliant behavior within the enterprise and meet regulatory expectations. Effective compliance software, for example, can monitor spending across a company on an ongoing basis, ensuring that suspicious activity can be quickly detected and resolved. Data analytics, the foundation of many leading compliance programs, can monitor transactions, approvals, and other business operations to find actionable insights with superior accuracy versus manual or sample- based reviews.

While compliance software is steadily becoming the go-to tool for companies looking to effectively combat non- compliance, such as fraud, corruption, sanctions violations, and conflicts of interest, determining what kind of compliance software is ideally suited for a company can be challenging. When selecting compliance software, several key questions can help your company determine whether a given compliance software vendor is the right fit for your company and its compliance team.

This white paper will highlight five best practices for selecting compliance software to help your company make an informed purchase.

Download the white paper below.