10 Books Every Investigator’s Library Should Include
10 Books Every Investigator's Library Should Include
“A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.” – George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
Even the most experienced investigators continue to learn throughout their careers. Every investigation is different and can provide a new nugget of knowledge for the investigator who is open to learning. As expert investigator Don Rabon writes in his current issue of his newsletter, Hamlet's Mind, "keep asking, keep looking and keep listening. The answer is there."
With that in mind, I started thinking of some of the great investigation-related books I've had the opportunity to read in the course of my job. As a non-investigator writing about investigations, I've had a lot to learn, and I continue to keep learning about the fascinating world of investigations, most often from interviews with subject matter experts, but also from the informative and entertaining books written by those with may years of experience in the field, and sometimes by those who have experience on the other side of the investigation relationship.
Here are some of my favorites:
Liespotting, by Pamela Meyer
Interviewing and Interrogation, by Don Rabon and Tanya Chapman
Fraud-Related Interviewing, by Don Rabon and Tanya Chapman
Ethics in Motion, by Justin Paperny
Lessons Learned on Compliance and Ethics, by Tom Fox
Workplace Investigations, by Diane Pfadenhauer
Essentials of Corporate Fraud, by Tracy Coenen
Anatomy of a Fraud Investigation, by Stephen Pednault
Investigations in the Workplace, by Eugene Ferraro
Extraordinary Circumstances, by Cynthia Cooper
What books would you add to this list?