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4 Qualities of Great Customer Service

4 Qualities of Great Customer Service

Companies that understand the basic wants, needs and expectations of customers will build a more loyal following.

As a customer yourself, you realize there are certain things you want when you have transactions with a business. Great customer service may mean being addressed promptly, or you may want them to know your first name.

While each person has a different idea of what great customer service looks like, there are a few ideas that top everyone’s list. Companies that can grasp these top ideas of what customers really want will find that they are more able to build a loyal following and thrive.

Great customer service is always based on some universal complaint management best practices. Download the best practices cheat sheet to find out more!

Avoiding Frustration

Think about the last time you had to contact a company regarding a complaint, inquiry, or to have a question answered. All you really wanted was for someone to address your issue in a manner specific to your needs and to do so in a decent time frame, right?

That may seem easy enough, but it’s not always what people get.

What they at times find are routes that frustrate them. Many people contact customer service through the company’s website today, making it crucial that there be a proper plan in place for addressing customer complaints.

“Though we are often speaking with customers via email or website chat these days, customer service is as important as ever. People visit your website and contact you through it for convenience,” explains Ryan Levin, owner of Digital Lion, a company specializing in creating websites and company branding.

“No one yet expects an immediate response, but those businesses that do provide lightning-quick online response times will be creating exceptional customer service experiences that will make your company stand out among the competition and be remembered".

Know Your Customer's Expectations. Then, Meet Them.

Customers want their needs met and to be heard if they have questions, comments, or complaints. That’s the bottom line. A company that can provide this will grow a loyal base and will find success.

Customers seek reliable service that is consistent. They want to know that they can count on your business to provide them with whatever product or service it is that you offer.

They also want things to be easy. The last thing they want is to have to jump through hoops or make numerous phone calls in order to get the answers they need or to have their customer complaint responded to.

“They expect good communication," added Levin. "Fortunately, businesses will soon realize that not responding or providing a slow response is detrimental to their overall success, especially with social media, recommendations, and online reviews becoming more prevalent. If businesses treat their customers well, they will see greatly increased success".

Some businesses may find it easier to address customers in person. They feel a little more obligated to provide a smooth experience because they can see if there is frustration on the customer’s face. But customers really want a great experience regardless of how the business is being conducted, especially in today’s digital world.

“Customers do expect businesses to address their complaint just as well as if they were face to face. Customers expect there to be a response and for it be in a timely manner,” said Levin.