#Case Study

Digitally Transforming Third- Party Management at Halliburton with Case IQ

Organization Overview

Halliburton is one of the world’s leading providers of products and services to the energy industry. Founded in 1919, Halliburton creates innovative technologies, products, and services that help its customers maximize their value throughout the life cycle of an asset and advance a sustainable energy future.


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The Need

Halliburton sought to improve its already robust third- party risk management program and to achieve its simultaneous goals of 1) continuing to enhance and streamline its technology-based internal controls and 2) listening and responding to user requests for a more user-friendly process, software interface, and solution. These enhancements would include mobile accessibility, greater stakeholder visibility to third-party due diligence status during the review process, real-time access for all employees to usable information about third parties approved for use, more integrated screening resolution capabilities, enhanced workflow automation, and significantly improved administrative management tools of the overall system. Halliburton had previously implemented Case IQ’s* Approvals and Disclosures software. Further integration of its Global Ethics & Compliance pre-approval processes into a singular platform was seen as a significant benefit.

*Lextegrity was acquired by Case IQ in 2025 and is now offered as an end-to-end suite of compliance tools.

Halliburton Case Study

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The Solution

Case IQ implemented its Third-Party Management software at Halliburton to manage high risk third-party relationships. Using Case IQ’s sophisticated branching logic, Halliburton built custom questionnaires to capture required data. Halliburton used the migration to Case IQ’s Third-Party Management software as an opportunity to streamline its diligence business rationale approach and move to a more targeted set of compliance-sensitive questions. The tool could then be used to send questionnaires to those third parties.

The Case IQ Third-Party Management software also met Halliburton’s requirement for an automated screening and resolutions process integrated directly within the third-party due diligence workflow in Case IQ via their integration with a reputable and global screening data provider. Halliburton was already using this functionality in the Case IQ Approvals and Disclosures platform and extended that functionality to the review of third parties. When the same third parties are screened again, the prior screening resolution is readily available to the Haliburton user directly within the platform, without needing to adjudicate the information again. This screening integration significantly reduced the amount of time compliance counsel spent manually reviewing screening requests outside of the third-party due diligence workflow tool and created a better audit trail for screening resolutions.

Halliburton also used the platform switch as an opportunity to rebuild the approval logic for onboarding third parties. Halliburton implemented a new approval logic requiring the business to approve first, increasing accountability within the business. The application then automatically triggers various levels of compliance and business approvers based on the type of third party, region, and other attributes. The system also provides very clear statuses for third parties, a profile card for third parties with key information, and highly sophisticated reporting and analytics that had room for improvement in Halliburton’s legacy system.

Case IQ’s platform also provided Halliburton the ability to create and assign tasks related to Third- Party Management requests, allowing business users and the Global Ethics & Compliance team to effectively project manage these requests. The task management functionality has been critical to the Halliburton compliance organization, who now uses tasks to project manage their compliance workflows and document work completed in connection with those approval requests in an easily visible and reportable manner.

Case IQ also implemented a contact report workflow for Halliburton users to quickly document their contacts with high-risk third parties for review, as Halliburton’s policy requires. This workflow is available across devices and allows business users to complete contact reports and meetings contemporaneously on their mobile devices, making the process more efficient and effective.


The Results

The Case IQ Third-Party Management implementation allowed Halliburton to consolidate a significant part of its compliance workflow procedures into one platform alongside Case IQ’s “Approvals and Disclosures workflows. It provided a more user-friendly interface than Halliburton’s legacy provider, integrated screening into the workflow in a seamless manner, provided better reporting and analytics, and allowed for contact reports to be managed in the system for review seamlessly.


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