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#Case Study

How McMaster University Reduced Risk, Created New Insights, and Boosted Case Management Efficiency with Case IQ

McMaster University

The Need for a Case Management Overhaul

McMaster University, located in Hamilton, Ontario, is one of Canada’s leading research institutions, with over 32,000 undergraduate students and thousands of staff. Like many large universities, McMaster handles a wide variety of cases related to human rights, equity, inclusion, and gender-based violence. However, their previous in-house case management system was failing to keep pace with the university’s increasing complexity and volume of cases.

As the Equity and Inclusion team at McMaster began to see more complex and high-risk cases, they realized they had outgrown their existing system. “Our previous system just wasn’t cutting it,” explained Lenore Lukasik-Foss, Director of McMaster’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office. “It was no longer fl exible enough to handle the growing complexity of cases we were seeing. We had more people involved, more challenging situations, and our system couldn’t manage all the moving parts.”


Complex Cases, Growing Risks

The shift in complexity became especially apparent as students returned to campus after the COVID-19 lockdowns. Lenore and her team saw a significant increase in both the number of cases and the complexity of the issues they were dealing with. “After the pandemic, we were seeing students coming back with more difficult, multi-layered issues. The cases weren’t just one person sharing concerns about another—sometimes there were ten people involved in a single case” Lenore shared.

This increase in complexity brought with it a heightened sense of risk. “We were at a point where we were concerned about things falling through the cracks,” Lenore continued. “The more complex the cases, the more difficult it became to manage everything manually, and that raised the risk of missing important details or deadlines. We needed a system that could help us manage that risk and keep our work on track.”

It became clear that McMaster needed a more robust, scalable, and user-friendly solution to support their case management work. That’s when they turned to Case IQ.


Conduct your campus investigations with confidence.

If your institution is like McMaster University, you probably have to manage a caseload that far outweighs your resources. Protect your school, students, and staff from risk by choosing a centralized, efficient case management tool that makes your life easier. Book a call to learn more.

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Why McMaster Chose Case IQ

Flexibility, Scalability, and Ease of Use

After evaluating several case management systems, McMaster’s Equity and Inclusion team selected Case IQ for its combination of flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. The platform’s ability to handle complex case management tasks while remaining user-friendly was a key factor in their decision.

“We looked at a few systems, but what stood out to us about Case IQ was the flexibility,” Lenore explained. “We’re a big university with many different roles in the Equity and Inclusion Office, and we needed something that could meet the diverse needs of our team members without forcing us into a one-size-fits-all solution. Case IQ offered us the flexibility to customize workflows and data collection to meet the specific needs of each department.”

Flexibility was critical for McMaster, not only because of the diverse types of cases they handle but also because of the university’s multiple intake offices, each with its own unique function. “We have different offices that deal with various types of cases—student concerns, employee grievances, and cases in the Faculty of Health Sciences, for example,” Lenore noted. “Case IQ allows us to work collaboratively across these departments on a common system while ensuring confi dentiality and keeping sensitive information secure.”

Adaptation in Real Time

Meeting New Challenges

Another standout feature of Case IQ for McMaster is its adaptability. As the university’s needs have evolved, the system has been able to scale and change with them. This has enabled the Equity and Inclusion team to make real-time adjustments to their workflows and processes without going through a long change request process. “Case IQ isn’t a static system,” said Pat Suleiman, a Human Rights Lawyer and the Senior Director of Human Rights & Accessibility in the Equity & Inclusion Office at McMaster. “We can update our workfl ows and forms as our needs change. The system allows us to remain fl uid and responsive, which is essential in a university setting where new challenges are constantly emerging.”

This adaptability has allowed McMaster to remain nimble in the face of growing demands, ensuring that their case management processes are always aligned with the current needs of the university. “When we started using Case IQ, we had a vision of how it would work, but as we’ve used it more, we’ve been able to refi ne that vision and adjust the system to fi t our real-world needs,” Lenore added.


Streamlining Complex Investigations with Case IQ

Before implementing Case IQ, McMaster’s team was struggling to keep track of the multiple people and complex layers involved in each case. As Lenore described it, “We were seeing more cases with multiple parties involved—sometimes up to 10 people. Our previous system just couldn’t handle that kind of complexity.”

With Case IQ, managing complex cases became significantly easier. The system allows users to track every detail of a case, from communications and appointments to case notes and follow-ups, all in one central location. “I use Case IQ every day,” Lenore said. “I can track all my communications with faculty, students, and staff, set reminders for myself and my team, and keep detailed records of everything that happens in a case. It’s all right there in one place, so I don’t have to worry about missing anything.”

Case IQ’s ability to integrate different types of information into a single system means that McMaster can easily manage everything from initial consultations to full investigations all within the same platform. “We’re able to centralize everything, from initial disclosures to formal complaints,” Pat explained. “This gives us a complete picture of what’s happening in each case, which allows us to respond more e  ectively.”

For McMaster, having a centralized system for case management has not only improved efficiency but also helped them maintain a higher level of service for students, faculty, and staff. “It’s not just about making our jobs easier,” Lenore explained. “It’s first and foremost about making sure we’re providing the best possible support to the people we’re serving. With Case IQ, we’re able to follow through on our commitments more reliably, which means better outcomes for our community.”


Proactive Risk Management and Data-Driven Decision Making

A major goal for McMaster when implementing Case IQ was to take a more proactive approach to risk management. With the ability to track every aspect of a case in real time, the team has been able to stay ahead of potential risks and address issues before they escalate.

“One of the things that really makes Case IQ incredible is the ability to track data and use it to inform our decisions,” Pat shared. “We can now see patterns and trends across different departments and use that information to proactively address issues before they become bigger problems.”

For example, the team can now identify types of cases that occur often and departments with higher incident rates and target their training efforts accordingly. “We’ve been able to use the data to make more informed decisions about where to focus our training and prevention efforts,” Lenore added. “We can see which departments or faculties are experiencing the most issues and tailor our approach to meet their specific needs.”

Leveraging Data to Improve Campus-Wide Training and Prevention

As part of McMaster’s broader efforts to create a safer and more inclusive campus, the data collected through Case IQ has been instrumental in shaping their training and prevention programs. “Data is key for us as a research institution,” Pat explained. “We need to be able to show the impact of the work we’re doing, and Case IQ helps us do that by giving us the data we need to tell our story.”

By tracking the types of cases being reported and the outcomes of investigations, McMaster’s team has been able to identify areas where additional training or support is needed. “For example, we can see which departments have higher rates of certain types of cases and o  er targeted training to address those issues,” Pat said. “It’s all about being proactive and making sure we’re addressing issues before they escalate.”

One of the most signifi cant benefits of using Case IQ has been the ability to identify patterns and prevent issues before they arise. “We can now see where certain types of cases are becoming more common and take steps to address the root causes,” Pat said. “For example, if we see a rise in harassment cases in a particular department, we can offer additional training and support to help reduce the likelihood of future incidents.”

By taking a proactive approach to risk management, McMaster has been able to prevent issues from escalating and ensure that their campus remains a safe and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff.

McMaster also uses Case IQ to track the effectiveness of their training programs by collecting feedback and measuring outcomes. “We use Case IQ to track who attends our training sessions and how often they’re happening,” Lenore shared. “This helps us improve our training programs and make sure they’re having the desired impact.”


Collaborative Case Management Across Campus

McMaster University’s adoption of Case IQ has also made collaboration across departments and faculties easier and more effective. With multiple intake offices handling different types of cases, it was essential for the university to have a system that allowed for seamless collaboration while maintaining confidentiality.

“We work closely with other offices on campus, like employee relations and student case management,” Lenore explained. “Case IQ will make it so much easier for us to collaborate while keeping sensitive information secure. We can share just the information that’s needed without exposing anything unnecessary.”

The system also makes it easy to share information between departments when necessary while maintaining strict confidentiality to protect sensitive data. “There are certain cases where different departments need to collaborate,” Lenore said. “Case IQ allows us to do that without compromising privacy or security. We can share just the information that’s needed while keeping everything else protected.”

This collaborative approach has been particularly beneficial when handling cases that involve multiple stakeholders. “When we have cases that involve both students and faculty, for example, we can use Case IQ to make sure everyone involved is kept in the loop without compromising privacy,” Pat added.

The collaborative features of Case IQ have also enabled McMaster to offer more targeted training and support across the university. “We meet with the deans and department heads on a quarterly basis to review the data and see where additional training or support might be needed,” Pat explained. “This allows us to provide tailored solutions to each department based on their specific needs.”


The Future of Case Management at McMaster University

As McMaster continues to refine its use of Case IQ, the university is excited about possibilities it holds for the future of their case management. “We’re still discovering new ways to use the system,” Lenore shared. “The more we use it, the more we realize how much potential it has to improve our work.”

Looking ahead, McMaster plans to expand the use of Case IQ to more departments across the university, as well as continue fine-tuning their existing workflows to ensure they are using the system to its full potential. “We’ve come a long way, but we’re always looking for ways to improve,” Pat said. “With Case IQ, we’re confident that we’ll be able to continue enhancing our case management processes and provide even better support to our community.”


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Discover How Case IQ Can Transform Your Institution’s Case Management

McMaster University’s journey with Case IQ is a powerful example of how our investigative case management software can help institutions manage complex cases, enhance collaboration, and make data-driven decisions to improve outcomes for their communities.

Whether you’re struggling with complex investigations, looking to improve collaboration across departments, or aiming to implement data-driven prevention strategies, Case IQ can help. Our platform is designed to adapt to the unique needs of each institution, providing the flexibility, scalability, and ease of use necessary to manage even the most complex cases efficiently.


Manage Your Institution’s Cases with Confidence Using Case IQ

Contact us today to schedule a demo or explore our extensive library of resources on best practices for investigation management, risk mitigation, and fostering inclusive environments.